I’ve cast a spell on you



Sooooo… Sketchbook Saturday is late this month. Sorry about that, I was having technical difficulties. Here is this months offering.

Meet Lilith my short tempered young witchy friend created from my need to make my comics and art fun again. I started reaching for ideas for a fun web-comic, Lilith and Lenny, with witty jokes that’s fun for me to draw but also very fun to read. An answer to the question ” Can I create something that has commercial appeal and is satisfying my creative wants and needs? ”

Thus far this is still great fun for me to work on and it is pushing me to want to get it done. In short, I feel this project is exactly what I needed. So, here I am still working on it. I will keep you all posted as to the progress. It is a process and it is will take more time but I love this comic and I am determined to seeing it finished!

Be well. Good journey.

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